Lindsay is just starting out in the model industry. We went to the MN State Fair Grounds in St. Paul and found lots of cool buildings and farm structures. Love these red heels!
Off to a cornfield to get some trash the formal shots. The lighting as the sun was going down was amazing. The sky was awesome!
I photographed Kayla's senior portraits downtown Hudson and on the St. Croix river. Thankfully she was very excited to "trash the formal". I had so much fun!
Meet Bailey... She is a month old and oh so sweet!
Once Bailey got situated in my basket she actually seemed to like it.
I seriously am so lucky! I have the best clients. Look how awesome this is... This is Bailey's Daddy's very cool Chevelle. The extended family are car enthusiasts.
I can already envision portraits of Bailey and Daddy laying under the car with feet sticking out and Bailey in the cutest shoes ever. Right around age 3 should be perfect!