
Lierra's 9 Month Portraits

Lierra is already 9 months old! She is so smiley and on the move. She is such a fun age, totally charming!


New Website and Other News

I have recently updated my website. I have many more images on the new site. My blog is still a great place to see what I've been up to. I always add my favorites from each session and wedding I photograph here on my blog. Here is a link to the new website...

Many of you may already know but I'd still thought I'd share our family's news here...
We are expecting our second child in August. We are very excited. Eli is so happy to be a big brother. The pregnancy is going very well and fast! I will be taking the month of August off and the first half of September as well.

Remaining session openings for July are filling quickly and I expect that September and October will be quite busy as well. You can view my availability calendar here...


Randi's Senior Portrait Session

Randi's Senior Session was photographed in a variety of locations in the Stillwater area. We did some in a field and then headed to Historic Downtown Stillwater. Randi was such a sport for the river shots on the St. Croix. The river rose so much since I had been there 5 days prior! There was no beach what so ever. She went in even though it was so mucky! Even though we couldn't do much, I really love the ones we did get.


Izabelle's 18 Month Portrait Session

Izabelle is one of my favorites! She may look familiar... I've been photographing her since she was just a tiny baby, a preemie actually. She was also the winner in the baby category of the Best of 2007 Contest. She is so sweet and totally adorable! I photographed this session in the garden area outside the Como Park Conservatory. A perfect location for a summer portraits of a little girl.


Kayla's Senior Portrait Session

Kayla brought along her boyfriend and 2 friends for her senior portrait session. I don't charge extra to include friends. I will always do some portraits of the friends if they are interested. I photographed this session at the gardens outside the Como Conservatory. This was a great location for portraits. A huge variety in one location.