
Stuart's Senior Portrait Session

It was another hot and humid day at Interstate Park. Stuart some how survived even in long sleeves! I photographed this session mostly on the Wisconsin side of the park. It's a great location for seniors especially Osceola and St. Croix Falls seniors. Stuart will be graduating from Osceola. I really love the shots of him in his paintball uniform.


Stuart continued...

And a few more favs...

Nikki & Doug's Wedding

Here are some of my favorites from Nikki and Doug's wedding last Saturday at the Historic Courthouse in Stillwater. It is an amazing building, such a great location for a wedding. The weather was great, thankfully not too hot! It was quite windy and Nikki nonchalantly ditched her veil.

Congrats Nikki & Doug!

Nikki & Doug... continued

and more...

Nikki & Doug... continued

and more...